cls a=0 do a=a+1 x=26-a i=1 j=0 while i < 25 j=x-i t=a+i+j pattes=(a*8)+(i*4)+(j*2) y4=(a*4)+(i*2)+(j*2) y6=(a*6)+(i*2)+(j*2) y8=(a*8)+(i*2)+(j*2) y10=(a*10)+(i*2)+(j*2) y12=(a*12)+(i*2)+(j*2) y14=(a*14)+(i*2)+(j*2) if j>0 then rem pour afficher toutes les lignes, effacer "rem" au début de la ligne suivante rem print a +" araignée(s)"+ i + " lapin(s)" + j + " poules -- total pattes : " + pattes+"-- total yeux : (4 yeux: "+y4+")(6 yeux:"+y6+")(8 yeux:"+y8+")(10 yeux:"+y10+")(12 yeux:"+y12+")(14 yeux:"+y14+")" end if if y14=142 and pattes= 148 then nby =14 print print "Il y a "+a+" araignée(s)"+i+ " lapin(s) "+ j+" poule(s)" print "Chaque araignée a "+nby+ " yeux" print end if if y12=142 and pattes= 148 then nby =12 print print "Il y a "+a+" araignée(s)"+i+ " lapin(s) "+ j+" poule(s)" print "Chaque araignée a "+nby+ " yeux" print end if if y10=142 and pattes= 148 then nby =10 print print "Il y a "+a+" araignée(s)"+i+ " lapin(s) "+ j+" poule(s)" print "Chaque araignée a "+nby+ " yeux" print end if if y8=142 and pattes= 148 then nby =8 print print "Il y a "+a+" araignée(s)"+i+ " lapin(s) "+ j+" poule(s)" print "Chaque araignée a "+nby+ " yeux" print end if if y6=142 and pattes= 148 then nby =6 print print "Il y a "+a+" araignée(s)"+i+ " lapin(s) "+ j+" poule(s)" print "Chaque araignée a "+nby+ " yeux" print end if if y4=142 and pattes= 148 then nby =4 print print "Il y a "+a+" araignée(s)"+i+ " lapin(s) "+ j+" poule(s)" print "Chaque araignée a "+nby+ " yeux" print end if i=i+1 end while print until a>25