cls input "Texte ",x$ print "texte : " +x$ print deb: print "Coder: tapez 1" print "Décoder: tapez 2" input cd if cd=1 then gosub code if cd=2 then gosub decode print cd goto deb end code: a$=x$ t = length(a$) print "Codage" for i=1 to t t$= mid(a$,i,1) t1=asc(t$) #algorithme de cryptage x=(t1+5) print chr(x); next i print end return decode: b$=x$ v2 = length(b$) print "------------------------" print"Décodage" for i=1 to v2 v$= mid(b$,i,1) t2=asc(v$) #algorithme de décryptage y=(t2-5) print chr(y); next i end return