graphsize 1120,220 cls clg color blue rect 0,0,graphwidth,graphheight color white rect 10,10,1100,200 color black d=100 for i=0 to 10 d1=d*i rect 40+d1,90,2,80 next i d=10 for i=0 to 110 d1=d*i rect 40+d1,90,2,20 next i d=50 for i=0 to 21 d1=d*i rect 40+d1,90,2,40 next i font "Arial",15,15 text 45,150,"mm" font "Arial",35,75 text 110,150,"1" text 210,150,"2" text 310,150,"3" text 410,150,"4" text 510,150,"5" text 610,150,"6" text 710,150,"7" text 810,150,"8" text 910,150,"9" text 1015,150,"10" color black long=int((rand*98)+1) lg=(long*10)+40 lg1=lg-20 poly {40, 80, 45, 80, 45, 70,lg1,70,lg,60,lg1,50,45,50,45,40,40,40,40,80} color red line(lg,60,lg,90) line (40,80,40,90) cmm=long\10 mmm=long%10 Print "Quelle est, em mm, la longueur de la pointe ?" input rep if rep=long then print "Bravo !" else print "Erreur !" end if print "La pointe mesure "+cmm+" cm et "+mmm+" mm ou "+long+" mm " print"┌────┬────┬────┐" print"│ dm │ cm │ mm │" print"├────┼────┼────┤" print"│ │ "+cmm+" │ "+mmm+" │" print"└────┴────┴────┘"