graphsize 1000,600 cls clg color darkblue rect 0,0,graphwidth,graphheight color darkcyan rect (650,50,300,70) color yellow rect (650,150,300,300) color white font "Arial",18,80 text (710,50,"Tarifs postaux") text (670,80,"France Métropolitaine") color cyan rect (650,120,300,50) color black font "Arial",14,80 text (670,130,"Poids jusqu'à") text (850,130,"Tarifs") text (770,180,"20 g ") text (870,180,"0,76 € ") text (770,210,"50 g ") text (870,210,"1,25 € ") text (870,240,"1,90 € ") text (870,270,"3,05 € ") text (870,300,"4,10 € ") text (870,330,"5,35 € ") text (870,360,"6,80 €") text (870,390,"7,30 € ") text (760,240,"100 g ") text (760,270,"250 g ") text (760,300,"500 g ") text (750,330,"1000 g ") text (750,360,"2000 g ") text (750,390,"3000 g ") poly{107,127, 493,127, 593,573, 17,573, 107,127} color cyan poly{110,130, 490,130, 590,570, 20,570, 110,130} color darkgreen rect(195,20,200,60) penwidth 8 color red line(195,50,395,50) line( 295,20,295,80) line (295,20,280,5) line (295,20,310,5) color darkpurple rect(145,80,300,20) color darkcyan rect (150,570,50,30) rect (410,570,50,30) rect (220,100,150,30) color black circle 300,350,202 color white circle 300,350,200 color blue circle 300,350,10 color blue rem circle 300,300,20 color black penwidth 1 for i = -90 to 270 step 3.6 x=pi*i/180 h1=int(sin(x)*130) l1=int(cos(x)*130) h2=int(sin(x)*120) l2=int(cos(x)*120) line(l1+300,h1+350,l2+300,h2+350) next i penwidth 3 for i = -90 to 270 step 18 x=pi*i/180 h1=int(sin(x)*140) l1=int(cos(x)*140) h2=int(sin(x)*120) l2=int(cos(x)*120) line(l1+300,h1+350,l2+300,h2+350) next i font "Arial",22,80 x=pi*-90/180 h1=int(sin(x)*180) l1=int(cos(x)*180) text l1+290,h1+350,"0" x=pi*0/180 h1=int(sin(x)*180) l1=int(cos(x)*180) text l1+270,h1+330,"250" x=pi*90/180 h1=int(sin(x)*180) l1=int(cos(x)*180) text l1+280,h1+330,"500" x=pi*180/180 h1=int(sin(x)*180) l1=int(cos(x)*180) text l1+290,h1+330,"750" font "Arial",12,80 x=pi*-72/180 h1=int(sin(x)*160) l1=int(cos(x)*160) text l1+290,h1+350,"50g" x=pi*-54/180 h1=int(sin(x)*160) l1=int(cos(x)*160) text l1+290,h1+350,"100" x=pi*-36/180 h1=int(sin(x)*160) l1=int(cos(x)*160) text l1+290,h1+345,"150" x=pi*-18/180 h1=int(sin(x)*160) l1=int(cos(x)*160) text l1+290,h1+340,"200" x=pi*18/180 h1=int(sin(x)*160) l1=int(cos(x)*160) text l1+290,h1+340,"300" x=pi*36/180 h1=int(sin(x)*160) l1=int(cos(x)*160) text l1+290,h1+340,"350" x=pi*54/180 h1=int(sin(x)*160) l1=int(cos(x)*160) text l1+290,h1+340,"400" x=pi*72/180 h1=int(sin(x)*160) l1=int(cos(x)*160) text l1+290,h1+340,"450" x=pi*108/180 h1=int(sin(x)*160) l1=int(cos(x)*160) text l1+290,h1+340,"550" x=pi*126/180 h1=int(sin(x)*160) l1=int(cos(x)*160) text l1+290,h1+340,"600" x=pi*144/180 h1=int(sin(x)*160) l1=int(cos(x)*160) text l1+290,h1+340,"650" x=pi*162/180 h1=int(sin(x)*160) l1=int(cos(x)*160) text l1+290,h1+340,"700" x=pi*198/180 h1=int(sin(x)*160) l1=int(cos(x)*160) text l1+290,h1+340,"800" x=pi*216/180 h1=int(sin(x)*160) l1=int(cos(x)*160) text l1+290,h1+340,"850" x=pi*234/180 h1=int(sin(x)*160) l1=int(cos(x)*160) text l1+290,h1+340,"900" x=pi*252/180 h1=int(sin(x)*160) l1=int(cos(x)*160) text l1+290,h1+340,"950" nb=int ((rand*98)+1) brep=nb*10 rem print brep nb1=-125+nb nb1=int(nb1*3.6) color blue penwidth 5 x=pi*nb1/180 h1=int(sin(x)*120) l1=int(cos(x)*120) line (300,350,l1+300,h1+350) if brep>0 then tarifa$="0.76" tarifb$="0,76" comment$="C'est inférieur à 20 g" end if if brep>20 then tarifa$="1.25" tarifb$="1,25" comment$="C'est entre 20 g et 50 g" end if if brep>50 then tarifa$="1.90" tarifb$="1,90" comment$="C'est entre 50 g et 100 g" end if if brep>100 then tarifa$="3.05" tarifb$="3,05" comment$="C'est entre 100 g et 250 g" end if if brep>250 then tarifa$="4.10" tarifb$="4,10" comment$="C'est entre 250 g et 500 g" end if if brep>500 then tarifa$="5.35" tarifb$="5,35" comment$="C'est entre 500 g et 1000 g" end if Print "Combien dois-je payer ?" input prix$ if length( prix$)=3 then prix$=prix$+"0" if prix$=tarifa$ or prix$=tarifb$ then Print "C'est bon !" else print "Erreur !" end if print "Ce colis pèse "+brep+" g" print comment$ print "On doit donc payer "+tarifb$+" €."